EMA Legal – Announcement

EMA Legal is pleased to announce that Craig Stevens (Consultant Solicitor) and Sophie Katsaros (Associate) have joined EMA Legal.  We are proud of our people and excited to bring their talents to our team. Craig Stevens – Consultant Solicitor Craig is an experienced senior lawyer who

2024-10-22T14:52:27+10:3022 October 2024|Announcements, Legal Alert|

The Federal Court of Australia makes interim reinstatement orders to preserve the exercise of a prospective right to claim unfair dismissal

The case of Dabboussy v Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (link below) is summarised in this Alert and is a significant indicator of the Court’s preparedness to preserve the exercise of prospective rights by employees.  In this case, the right concerned the imminent ability to claim

2024-09-30T15:51:42+09:3030 September 2024|Legal Alert|

Review of C14 and C13 rates in modern awards

The Fair Work Commission (FWC) is currently undertaking a Review of modern awards containing a rate of pay at the ‘C14’ level (currently $891.50 per week or $23.46 per hour) or below the ‘C13’ level (currently $915.90 per week or $24.10 per hour) which applies other

2024-09-16T11:58:20+09:3016 September 2024|Legal Alert|

Working from home – consider the impact

The Fair Work Commission (Commission) is receiving submissions in the context of commencing a new matter on its ‘own initiative’ to develop a working from home (WFH) term in the Clerks Private Sector Award 2020 (Clerks Award).  There is every indication that once such a term

2024-08-29T16:45:18+09:3029 August 2024|Legal Alert|

Are you prepared for 26 August 2024?

This legal alert reminds our valued clients of the significant changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (Act) taking effect from 26 August 2024 (or 26 August 2025 for small business employers for some changes). EMA Legal is available to assist with all employer enquiries.

2024-08-08T15:41:22+09:308 August 2024|Legal Alert|
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